Sunday, August 15, 2010

Not to worry about food

Matthew 6:25-26
“Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?

As the eldest in the family, my next siblings followed my inclinations. They too became inclined to take engineering courses.  Venric took up Mechanical Engineering, while Vinna was into Civil Engineering.
We cooked our own food, and did the laundry chores on our own. I scheduled everything – from cooking, washing the dishes, study, doing the laundry, etc. and etc. We applied the “division of labor’ principle in all of our chores, and it was a good training for the three of us. Nevertheless, problems came in when the economy changed and our total expenses escalated. We found ourselves short of finances, and we could barely make both ends meet with the three of us having requirements which incurred a lot of expenses.
But God is so rich, and He is the best provider. Once when we only had ten pesos – our last money (that was big during the seventies), and it was a Sunday, and we were all going to church. We still needed to ride on a jeepney, and of course the fare for the three of us will further deplete our meager money. Obviously, there was not enough money for food for that evening. Yet, this predicament did not deter us in attending the mass. We agreed to pray and ask for God’s provision.
As we were waiting for a jeepney to bring us back to our boarding house, the first empty jeepney which I signaled to stop, didn’t even bother to reduce speed. Then, the second jeepney, which I didn’t even signal to stop, just stopped in front of us. To my surprise, my eldest cousin Manong Rene was in that jeep, and the first question that he asked was – “Do you still have any money?”  It was providential! God knew our need, and He supplied our needs through a person. The money given to us was enough to sustain us for a week. 

On the next week later, our allowance arrived.  God knows when the right time is, and He placed us in the right place, at the right moment. Why? Because we are kept in the palm of God’s hand.

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