Monday, August 16, 2010

And so it Drizzled

 Matthew 7:7
“Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you shall find; knock, and the door shall be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives; and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.”

We were only a handful, when I took the Chemical Engineering licensure examinations. 
Our professors reviewed us, and among ourselves we conducted group study sessions. Our batch was not at all exceptionally good but still we prayed that all of us will pass the board exams. It seemed really impossible if seen through the eyes of men, nevertheless, we made a prayer pact with each other - to continue to pray for 100% passing, because we maybe limited in our intellect, but God is NOT limited, and nothing is impossible for Him. 

For the whole duration of our review, He gave us the strength to tackle the rigors of solving bulks of problem sets. In each group we conducted focus group discussions discussing the concepts and rationale behind our individual solutions. Those were gruelling days of sleepless nights and hardwork, which entailed a lot of discipline and motivation. God sustained us all. 

Finally, the board examination week came. We arrived at the city of the examination location, three days earlier, in order for us to get acquainted and be familiar with the place - what room, where it is located, things we need to bring, etc.

On our first night, God inspired me to lead a prayer meeting. Four of us went into the small prayer room, and prayed for everybody - lifting aloud each of our names. On the second night, the group increased in number, and the little prayer room already became congested. On the third night - the night before the first day of the exams, the small prayer room cannot anymore accommodate all of us, so we opted to pray outside - under a small tree, near the edge of a mountain, overlooking the city with all its dazzling lights, with the cool breeze gently fanning our faces.

As we prayed , the buzzing mosquitoes and the noise of the surroundings disturbed us, but we persevered - not minding all the disturbances. Nearing the closing prayer, it drizzled and this threatened to prematurely break-up the group. I received a great inspiration to pray for the drizzle to stop so that we can finish our prayer meeting.

We held our hands together and claimed the blessing of God. I was so sure that it was God's will for us to continue praying and that He has a purpose for allowing the drizzle in our midst. We claimed that it was our time and place to pray, and that this happened because God wanted us to experience His power! With that, our prayer became more intense and voila....wonder of wonders, the drizzle stopped.

That was a moment of grace for all of us and the experience gave us total confidence to take the board exams. God affirmed that His presence is accompanying and that experience further showed us that He listens to our prayer requests. Our faith grew in leaps and bounds, instantly removing shades of doubts and fears as we hurdled the board examinations for next two days. As we were all homeward bound, we agreed to continue with our prayer pact until the release of the results.

To the amazement of our professors, when the results came, ALL OF US passed!!! That was a big surprise to them and everybody else, but for all of us, that was God's confirmation of what happened on that night when it drizzled.

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