Thursday, August 19, 2010

God, Junie and me

II Corinthians 6:14
Do not be mismatched with unbelievers. For what partnership is there between righteousness and lawlessness? Or what fellowship is there between light and darkness?”

I was hesitant to embark into any relationship, after having experienced an un-blessed relationship with a former boyfriend. I went away from home and came to Zamboanga City. I found my own niche in a community through attendance in the Basic Bible Seminar, at St. Anthony Mary Claret parish. My search for a community brought me to this seminar, and there I met Junie, who was serving as a Facilitator in the said seminar. 

My participation in the seminar progressed to the attendance of the Life in the Spirit Seminars, the Mariology, and the Basic Christian Maturity Course. I was becoming involved in the community activities, and it was there that I met Junie – a look alike of Al Tantay. We were drawn to each other, and we became close friends, sharing time, ideas, and his sense of humor gave me pleasure. We were at ease with one another, and our friendship blossomed into a loving relationship. 

Nevertheless, not our will, but the will of God should prevail. Thus, we agreed to pray for guidance and discernment, so as to know whether we are right for each other. 

Summer of 1986 came and I was given a scholarship program at Iligan City. As we agreed to pray for one another, I prayed and asked for the gift of vision. I told God, that if it is not his will, I rather not continue with the relationship. I was alone praying in the Cathedral, at three in the afternoon. All of a sudden I saw a vision – it was like a “scene” in front of the altar. I saw Junie walking towards my home, along the suntan pathway, with the rays of the sun over him. I was so shocked and was a little bit afraid. Yet, I asked for a second confirmation from the Lord by “putting a fleece” when I said, “Okay Lord, if he is the man for me, let him propose marriage upon my arrival at Zamboanga City”. That was it! I was not desirous for an immediate marriage, but rather, a marriage which would allow us ample time to prepare.

I forgot about my prayer, but God didn’t. When the scholarship program ended, I went back to Zamboanga City. God literally brought Junie at the tarmac of the airport, such that when I came down from the airplane, he was there all excited to meet me and without much ado, he proposed marriage. Whew! I was dumbfounded, because I suddenly remembered my fleece to the Lord. 

He reiterated his proposal and much to his surprise, I said “YES”, because I remembered my prayer. I didn’t even know that all that summer, he was already preparing for our marriage and he did it in a record time of three weeks.

Without the consent of the Lord, I could never have said “YES”. June 28, 1986 marked the beginning of our life together with God, in the Holy Sacrament of Matrimony. I praise God for putting me in the palm of His hand.

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