Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Miracle of Conception

Genesis 18:14
“Is anything too wonderful for the Lord? At the set of time
I will return to you, in due season, and Sarah shall have a son.”

It was medically impossible for us to have a son. We had a complicated combination. I had a retroverted mattress and the sperm-count of my husband is not even one-third of the normal count. The doctors had been telling us that it would take a miracle for us to have a child.

But we saw the greatness of God and He inspired us to pray about it. We were given the desire, but we needed to discern whether it is the will of the Lord for us to have a child. Finally, we were inspired to pray and claim one gift of a child. We claimed that it is God’s will for us, and despite our impossible physical and medical conditions, nothing is impossible with God.

We asked the Lord to give His blessings to the doctor whom we were consulting, such that the doctor will become His instrument. We prayed every night, requesting God to strengthen even just one sperm such that this sperm could mate with my egg cell. We also prayed that God will make my mattress a good haven for a child. 

We prayed-over all medicines that we took, so that God will bless them. We even asked God to multiply the potency of the fertility pills to three times, because instead of taking three capsules a day, we could only afford one capsule a day. 

God realigned and put into order everything in my body and that of my husband – I got pregnant. The impossible thing for doctors became possible with God, and He gave us a son last January 17, 1988. Our son is our living witness to God’s omnipotent power, grace and love. I am indeed in the palm of his hand.

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