Thursday, September 2, 2010

He who is Omnipresent Puts Everything Into Order

Psalms 117: 1 – 2
“Praise the Lord, all you nations! Extol him, all you peoples! For great is his steadfast love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise The Lord!”

My schedule has been so arranged by unseeing hands. His timing is perfect and His purpose is unquestionable. 

I was in Cebu last June 19 (2003) for my two-months internship at pre-chosen academic and non-academic institutions (one-month each). The internship program is a very unique program, which mandates all doctoral students to experience hands-on management experience in order to observe the best practices of both types of organizations. I have chosen the University of San Carlos (because it is my alma-mater)- for the academic institution, and any of the international organizations at Mactan Ecozone, for the non-academic institution. For USC, the reception was welcoming because of my being an alumna. But it was rather difficult to get in to any of the industrial companies in the Mactan Ecozone. But God just put everything into order.

First, God arranged a place for me to stay – such that I had lots of fresh air, less pollution, and a very good community. I was staying with the sisters of the Saint Francis of the Immaculate Conception at Bo. Mactan, Lapulapu City.

Second, God arranged a doctor who will oversee me while I was there – she was one of those who specialized on Rheumatology while I was admitted in UST Hospital.

Third, God allowed me a flexible time in reporting to San Carlos – as I had to take two rides. I was allowed to report at 9:00 in the morning (it was about one hour ride from Lapulapu to Cebu).

Fourth, in my one-month of exposure at USC, I was able to meet and interview everybody whom I needed to interview – despite their busy schedule.

I could go on and on, but this I can attest.... that for every moment that I was there, I was never alone, because God with me -  in the multicab from Bo. Mactan to Opun, and in the van from Opun to Cebu. He even arranged a companion for me that first time I rode the van – as God arranged that I would be seated next to a student from the University of San Carlos. I am indeed in God’s hands and He put everything into order.

While in Cebu, I got to meet my former classmates in my undergraduate course. We had a grand time remembering our long hours of study and hard work in the laboratory and the library. I was the “Ate” to them – not because of age (in fact I was the youngest in the group), but it was more because I took charge of the checking of the attendance and arrangement of the schedule during our review for the board exam. Expectantly, most of those I was close were already in – place in big organizations. Incidentally, on the third week of my internship at the University of San Carlos, San Miguel still has not responded. We were already ending, and I still did not have a non-academic organization to go into. Ateneo Graduate School asked me to find one.

God is in the past, the present and the future. God destined my leadership of our undergraduate group. My membership to the Chemical Engineering Society was His plan. It was God who allowed me to study at the University of San Carlos and He arranged that I take up Chemical Engineering.
God in the present, allowed me to meet my former classmates of the past – for a purpose. My internship was facilitated in the academe, yet private organizations, much so international organizations are a little bit wary to accept “outsiders” to the management level. San Miguel Corporation already refused, and we were also refused by Fairchild – Semi-Conductor Company. We had nowhere to go, but God already put in-place a Human Resource Manager in TIMEX Philippines, Inc.,who was a co-member of my college organization. It was this colleague who allowed us in.

Everything is because of God – His power, and His presence. He who is Omnipresent puts everything into order.

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